Do I get my taxes back?

I’m 16, made about $1,500 from my job in 2024. I started working in late November 2024. On my W-2, it says $92.27 was withheld for Social Security and $21.58 for Medicare. Do I get the money back?

Not SS and Medicare. Those are locked in at a fixed rate.

If there was Federal income tax withholding, then you would get all of that back if this $1500 was your only income for the year.

You can file a tax return anyway at or any other service (Cash App is also free, IRS Direct File if you’re able, IRS VITA sites are free). It’s just generally a good idea to do so even if you don’t owe and don’t get anything refunded. This way, if someone else out there attempts to e-file a fraudulent return using your SSN, that gets blocked.

At age 16, you’re likely a dependent, so if you do file your return, make sure you set those options properly.

That is FICA taxes and no one gets that back until retirement or disability.

Misha said:
That is FICA taxes and no one gets that back until retirement or disability.

Yup, and an itty-bitty amount at death for the survivor.


No, for Social Security and Medicare, you don’t get that money back. However, whatever they took from you for state and federal taxes, you will get all of it back if you file since you didn’t make a lot of money for the year.

Nope. That money lets retired people live.

Lol, welcome to the real world, kid.



No, you’ll only get back federal withholding.

Nope, and you’re never getting it back.

You will get the EITC for yourself. Make sure you go through that deduction. Most people think it’s only for kids, but it’s not. You won’t hardly get anything because you barely had any income, though.

With no qualifying child, the taxpayer needs to be between 25 and 65 years of age for EITC.

Sage said:
With no qualifying child, the taxpayer needs to be between 25 and 65 years of age for EITC.

Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t know about the age requirement.

You’re free to put in your W-2 in any online tax tools for free, and it’ll tell you if you get a refund or not. So do that and not ask Reddit.