Is it ok if I file before my parents?

I filed my taxes for the first time before my parents and I was wondering if that has any effects on their taxes. Will they still be able to claim me as a dependent? And would FAFSA change anything?

You can file before your parents.

It only affects their taxes if you both claim you.

I can’t answer what it means for FAFSA, but I can’t see how filing order would be meaningful in any way.

Caiden said:
You can file before your parents.

It only affects their taxes if you both claim you.

I can’t answer what it means for FAFSA, but I can’t see how filing order would be meaningful in any way.

Gotcha, thanks!

You’re welcome.

The most important thing is that you checked the box that says someone else can claim you as a dependent. If you did that, then all is well.

If you didn’t check the box, then the processing of their return will be significantly delayed. Whichever of them is listed as the primary taxpayer needs to get an IP PIN from the IRS so that their return can be e-filed. You will also need to amend your return to check the dependent box.

If your parents’ tax return needs to be processed by the IRS in order for your financial aid awards to come through, then not having checked the box would obviously be an issue. If it just has to be submitted but not necessarily processed, then it would be ok.

I checked the box, thank god. I appreciate you answering the question! :heart:

If you made income and paid all your expenses, don’t let your parent claim you on their taxes. For FAFSA, the law is simple: whatever you didn’t use for tuition or applicable expenses is income. Now, that said, it’s up to you to declare, and I doubt they spend money on agents auditing and taking you down for tax evasion.

As long as you didn’t claim head of household, they can file and still claim you as a dependent.

Gracen said:
As long as you didn’t claim head of household, they can file and still claim you as a dependent.
