MassTaxConnect Request for Information/Unknown ID

I got a letter today in MassTaxConnect saying, ‘We’re unable to process your Personal Income Tax return for the tax year 2024 because we can’t verify the identification number shown on the tax return. Your tax return won’t be considered complete until we receive all the requested information.’

They asked for my Social Security Card, my Driver’s license or passport, and another document like a utility bill or payroll to verify my ID. I’ve filed in MA for the past four years so I thought this was strange. Has anyone received this? Does this mean I am being audited? The only thing that has changed this year is that I moved from NH to VT, so my address changed. I’m a primarily remote worker so I have gotten most of my MA taxes returned for the past 3 years (other than 2021 COVID policy).

Sounds like it’s an audit of your identity, probably triggered by the change of address.

Make sure the address is legit.

Sidney said:
Sounds like it’s an audit of your identity, probably triggered by the change of address.

Make sure the address is legit.

What do you mean legit? My address is the house I bought.

The address where you send the copy of your Social Security card and photo ID. Verify it on the state website just to make sure you aren’t responding to a scam letter.

Sidney said:
The address where you send the copy of your Social Security card and photo ID. Verify it on the state website just to make sure you aren’t responding to a scam letter.

Ohhhhhh yeah it’s definitely legit. I submitted all my documents on the MassTaxConnect website, I didn’t mail them in.

Oh good. Just looking out for ya.

Sidney said:
Oh good. Just looking out for ya.

Thank you!!!

Page said:

Sidney said:
Oh good. Just looking out for ya.

Thank you!!!
