Stolen mail had a letter from the IRS… Should I worry?

Someone stole my mail, and I know one of the letters was from the IRS. I don’t know what they send or if I should be worried. Any advice?

It depends on what was in the letter. Most IRS letters have the last four digits of your SSN or EIN (if it’s about a business), but sometimes they include the full SSN. Identity theft could be a concern.

If you’re owed money, the letter might’ve contained a check. If you owe money, it could be telling you what to pay and how. Ignoring it can lead to penalties, interest, or even a lien or bank levy down the line.

The letter could also be about an audit, asking for documents or scheduling an interview. If you don’t respond, the IRS can adjust your taxes and increase what you owe. For example, if you claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit, they might want proof of your kids and living expenses. Without proof, you’d lose the credit.

Call the IRS at their general number. They can tell you what the letter was about, and they might even re-issue it. If your case is assigned to someone, they can also give you contact info for that person or their manager.

Thanks, I’ll call them and find out what’s going on.

Create an account on and log in to check the Notices and Letters section. You’ll see what they sent you.

It’s unlikely that whoever took the letter can do much harm. The IRS doesn’t include unmasked SSNs in their mail.

That makes me feel a bit better. Thanks for explaining!

You should give the IRS a call. If you owe anything, you could also ask about setting up a payment plan while you’re at it.

Do you know what was in the letter? How are you sure it was stolen?

Aki said:
Do you know what was in the letter? How are you sure it was stolen?

I’m not sure what was in it. Someone who saw my mail mentioned that there was an IRS letter, and now I can’t find it.

The IRS usually sends out letters about IP PINs around this time of year, so it could be that. Like others have said, create an account on to see all the notices they’ve sent you. Most of their letters only show the last four digits of your SSN.