I’m using FreeTaxUSA to do my taxes this year, and for one of my W-2s, it says that I have too much SS tax withheld. It had a little pop-up that said I should reach out to my employer and request they refund me the $1 in excess of SS tax.
I no longer work at this place and reached out to them regarding this, but they seemed confused about it (small business). Trying to get this corrected over $1 sorta seems like a hassle tbh, so I was wondering: does this need to be corrected, or can I just proceed as normal? The amount seems too small to really have an effect on anything, right?
I have this issue in a different way. I have two jobs, and the total exceeds the FICA limit across the two. When you do your taxes, the program will credit the overpayment like any other tax.